Monday, April 9, 2012

Celebrating Pablo Picasso

Picasso is an artist that cannot be overlooked when one studies the History of Art. His innovative techniques and fiery personality lead to constant evolution in his work. The more one understands Picasso the man, the more one understands Picasso the artist.

Visit Picasso's website for information about exhibitions of his works and a scholarly article about his works.

The Power of Art Picasso
gives a deeper understanding to the master.

One of his iconic works is Guernica, his 1937 reaction to the bombing of Spain. In recent years, this painting has been used to describe people's reaction to the 911 terror attacks in New York City.

Another iconic work was the 1907 painting, the FIRST CUBIST work, Les Demoiselles D'Avignon. This image shows the 3D representation of the female form on a flat surface. The use of AFRICAN masks shows the influence of "other" in the European consciousness at the time.

Picasso was a master. His works include line drawings, paintings, and sculpture. His "Blue Period" reflected his somber mood while his "Harlequin" period displayed his brightening mood by reflecting upon traveling performers that entertained the community. Read more about his changing styles at arthistoryguide.

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