Friday, February 22, 2008

Assignments Until Easter Break

Architecture Reports begin on Monday.

The Reading Worksheet outlines all assignments due for chapters 21-22-23 adn 24 between now and Easter Break.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week of February 18th

We'll have a test on Chapters 19 and 20 - with Museum catalog due - on Thursday 2-21-08. We'll cover chapters 21 and 22 the following week. If you do not have your workbook - you need it as you are already behind. See me if there is a problem.

Architecture presentations commence on Monday 2-25-08. We'll have 2 per day. The architects presented will be on tests...Make your presentations interesting for your peers - engage them to help them learn the material!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Chapters 19 and 20

Museum Catalog andTest will be on Thursday 2-21-08.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Upcoming Assignments

I'll pass back your tests on Monday 2-11-08. We'll encounter chapters 19 and 20 the week of 2-11-08. You are expected to have read chapter 19 by Tuesday and 20 by Friday. The workbook pages are due the day the readuing is due.

Do NOT forget...Monday 2-11-08 report to HOMEROOM to start the day - ESLR essay.

The FIRST Architecture presentation will be 2-25-08!

See you at UCSD tomorrow!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Upcoming Assignments

Watch the National Geographic Videos about stolen antiquities. Due via e-mail no later than 2-8-08.

Read the National Geographic Magazine article about Egypt's Black Pharaohs. Response due via e-mail no later than 2-8-08

Architecture Project - Class Presentation and report (with a partner). Due Dates depend on architect chosen. Presentations commence 2-25-08 (Monday) and last until 3-14-08 (Friday).