Monday, November 26, 2012

Intersession Work

Intersession Assignments can be found on and on the Beyond the European Tradition Page of the class website.

ALL assignments will be done online as you may or may not be on campus during intersession.

Work with your partner on your PROJECT?PRESENTATION ... be prepared to present the first day back.

As I hear of bonus opportunities, I'll continue to post on the blog.

As Intersession starts and we delve into the second semester, checking the blog daily will be a MUST. Review information and material not covered in class will be covered here!

Semester Exam

We will have an IN CLASS EXAM on Friday 12-14-12. On Thursday 12-13-12 you will be given a take home essay that is PART 1 of your exam. IN CLASS will will have a short MULTIPLE CHOICE ASSESSMENT as PART 2 of your semester exam.

Romanesque and Gothic

As we move into our study of the Romanesque and Gothic Eras, we'll start to discover the nuances between the different cathedral styles and their REGIONAL VARIATIONS.

Block Day will be Sophomore Retreat. Those of you IN CLASS will be able to work on the discussion questions and workbook pages. It is expected that BOTH chapters are read and all discussion questions are prepared for Monday 12-3-12.

Romanesque and Gothic Topics for Discussion

Prepare responses to the following based on your reading of Chapters 17 and 18

What was the political structure of Europe in the Romanesque period?
What effect did pilgrimages and the crusades have on Christendom?
How did intellectual life bloom in the 11th and 12th centuries?
How did Romanesque builders change the early Christian basilica?
Why did mosaics tend to disappear and be replaced by paintings?
The theme in Romanesque church decoration was _____ while the theme in Gothic church decoration was ___.
Where and why was the term Gothic first used?
What was the Age of the Cathedrals?
How are stained glass windows created?
How did the Gothic cathedrals capture the splendor of Paradise on Earth?
Describe ROMANESQUE STYLE using ART vocabulary terms?
Describe GOTHIC STYLE using ART vocabulary terms?
BOTH Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals has regional variations. Explain what they were - perhaps making a chart will be helpful.

Workbook Pages to do: DUE Friday 11-30-12

Chapter 17
Vocabulary words page 163-164, 167
Complete diagram page 165, 168
“Chart” pages at the end of the chapter
Chapter 18
Vocabulary Words page 175, 181
Complete diagram page 178
Complete “Chart” pages at the end of the chapters

We will have a quiz on these chapters Thursday 12-13-12.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Before Thanksgiving...

Thursday and Friday you will have a sub as I am in Las Vegas speaking at National Writing Project and National Council for Teachers of English Convention.

You will be given a LONG list of Middle Ages Discussion questions. Work together on the ones the sub tells you are highlighted on the original...let those be your focus.

Thursday: continue watching the Book of Kells Video - we left off at 6:24 in PART 1.

Friday Start the Paradise Found: Islamic Architecture Video. Help the sub pull up the links if necessary.

There will be 2 discussion TABS on Turnitin. com ... one for each video. Respond to BOTH of them by 5 PM on Sunday night. That way I can look at them and give feedback before class Monday. THIS IS A HOMEWORK assignment.

Monday and Tuesday next week... Discuss Middle Ages/PPT.