Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Baroque Art and Bernini

The BAROQUE ERA is a complex era. In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 Thesis which started Protestantism. Luther's complaints with the church included a frustration over indulgences as well as "the lay person was no longer playing an active role in the Church and was increasingly removed from understanding the Scriptures because of increasing mystery and ritual. [He] advocated hymns as a better way to communicate hard-to-understand mysteries of the Church and made music an integral part of Protestant Church services".

The Catholic Church campaigned to gain back followers. The division in faiths was evident in the visual arts. Protestant churches were austere while images that prompted Catholicism stressed the sacrifices people made for their faith. Intense devotion was depicted.

Baroque art was a great way to communicate some aspects of the faith to those who strayed form the path. Sculptures were theatrical, contained sexual innuendo, and violence. Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Teresa is one such sculpture. The Baroque era work by the master Bernini glorifies the church. (Watch The Power of Art Bernini).

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