Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mount Rushmore, An American Connection with Classical Rome

The Romans had a tradition of creating monuments and monumental sculptures to honor past leaders. This was part of their pagan beliefs that, after their death, past rulers were lofted to the state of being a god. One example is the COLUMN OF TRAJAN pictured here.

The United States has many Neo-Classical Elements in its governmental architecture and structure. One example of the United States harking back to Classical traditions is the 14 year long construction of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The monumental memorial contains 60 foot tall images of past presidents Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln. The sculptor Gutzon Borglum's goal of "animating the mountain" was achieved! He infused life into marble and preserved the memory of four past presidents for future generations to see. Like classical sculptors, he chose his material wisely. He picked a durable, yet elegant, material to properly memorialize these men. Other than a natural disaster, the stone sculptures will outlast generations of people.

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