Saturday, May 8, 2010

Review ....

Site Specific Sculptures

These sculptures are usually large in scale and located outside. The Stuart Collection at UCSD encompasses several site specific sculptures. The bear in this image is located near the School of Engineering buildings.

Claes Oldenberg creates large scale "Pop Art" sculptures for public places. Many office buildings and parks contain his works.

Read this article about Barbara Krueger and UCSD:,0,4240457.story

BONUS: Generally, what is the relationship between the site and the sculpture? To answer this you may want to read up on the Stuart Collection and Claes Oldenberg sites. Who is the patron of most site specific sculptures?

EXTRA BONUS: By June 1st...
Go to the UCSD Campus and tour the Stuart Collection sculptures. Have a picture of you taken at at least 5 of the sculptures. Print out the pictures and submit them. Write a 2 page paper (double spaced) about the relationship between the site and the sculpture. Address WHY a college campus was chosen to house this collection of sculptures.

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