Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Looking Ahead...Looking Back

As we are looking at the rise of MODERNISM...and discussing Romanticism we need to look at how artists reflected "OTHER" in their artwork. A KEY artwork in the History of Art is Picasso's 1907 work Les Demoiselles d' Avignon. This work is continually studied by historians.

It is arranged in VERTICAL format,and large scale,normally a format reserved for ICONIC works. Is it iconic? The women are not shown ideal?

Why are some women masked? Why are the bodies distorted? Is Picasso making a statement about the morality of visiting a brothel? Is he making a political statement about French Colonization in Africa?

Who is the intended audience?

Does it matter to you in your viewing of the work that preliminary work on the painting included a medical student (with a skull) and a sailor?

Look at the image and the interactive exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in NYC. The audio and interactive MULTIMEDIA links at the bottom of the page are good places to continue our study of Picasso's groundbreaking painting.

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